Leardi srl is an Italian company specialized in civil and plant engineering services operating both in the public and private field.

“Oil & gas” network and systems design
Integrated Engineering activities in the “oil & gas” sector: in addition to the purely technical phases, the activities related to the authorization aspects by the Entities responsible for issuing authorizations are also being developped.
Design types
- Feasibility Study
- Basic Design
- Detailed and executive design
- Constructive design
- Design of large diameter pipes (up to 56 “)
- Design of works with trenchless methodology (T.O.C., Raise Boring, Microtunnel, etc.)
- Design of interception systems P.I.L., P.I.D.S., P.I.D.I., P.I.D.A.
- Design of measurement and pressure reduction systems (IPRS, HPRS, RE.MI, etc.)
- Design of electro-instrumental interception and reduction systems
- Design of works and special plants
- Design of morphological and vegetational restoration works
- Analysis of areas subjected to risk of explosion
- Forecasting analysis of acoustic impact

Civil & Industrial Design
Integrated Engineering activities in the civil and industrial fields for the realisation of residential buildings as well as industrial and logistic plants. Both the purely technical phases and those linked to the certified aspects are carried out by the Entities responsible for issuing authorisations.
Design types
- Feasibility Study
- Definitive project
- Executive project
- General architectural design
- Structural Design
- Design of insulation and thermal insulation systems
- Design of electrical systems
- Design of air conditioning systems
- Plant design

Certifying Engineering and environmental consultancy
Infrastructural engineering activities related to specific certifying and environmental issues deriving both from the design and authorization phase.
Environmental, executive, urbanistic and technical procedures
- Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (V.I.A.)
- Environmental Screening
- Development of Environmental and Landscape Reports
- Elaboration of Impact Assessment Reports on SIC / ZPS areas
- Development of specialized documentation for agronomic problems, vegetation restoration, etc.
- Development of Landscape Reports pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 42/04
- Documentation drafting for Hydrogeological Bonding paperwork (R.D. 3267/1923)
- Elaboration of geotechnical and hydrological-hydraulic studies
- Development of documentation for urban planning purposes (permission to build, S.C.I.A., C.I.L.A.)
- Development of documentation for the release of technical opinions (ASL / VVF / ARPA, etc.)

Construction supervision and assistance for construction sites
Works Management Services, Works Supervision and Safety Coordination pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08 in the field of civil, mechanical and electro-instrumental constructions.
Supported roles
- Technical Construction site Supervisor (Civil, Mechanical, Electro-Instrumental)
- Director of Works
- Assistant to Works Management
- Head of Works in the Design and Execution Phase (Legislative Decree 81/08)
- Welding Inspector
- Coordinator for Safety in the Design Phase pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81/08
- Security Coordinator in implementation phase pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81/08
- Archaeological professional

Topographical surveys and Cartographic elaborations
Technical services for topographic surveys of both celerimetric and exactitude.
Managed activities
- Exactitude leveling measures
- Exactitude GPS surveys – Geodetic networks
- GPS surveys of the celerimetric type
- Industrial control checks for machine axis tracking
- Structural monitoring
- Geological and geotechnical monitoring

Technical Legal/Asset consultancy
Technical advice aimed at obtaining the availability of soils for the realisation of infrastructural works of energetic or viable nature, through the complete preparation of documentation for the acquisition of easements, goodwill and coactive, or preliminary agreements for the transfer of funds.
Drafting of consistency statuses on the funds involved in the works and management of the liquidation procedure of the damages deriving from the construction site activities. Preparation of all technical documentation and paperwork to obtain the compulsory permits with subsequent technical assistance to the expropriation.

Real estate heritage Census
Technical consultancy for the technical-real estate heritage management , through the provision of a technical and administrative support service in the phases of management and enhancement. Customer technical support in the critical phases of transfer,dismissal and transformation of the individual assets.
Supported activities
- Readiness of cadastral updating procedures (PREGEO, DOCFA, DOCTE, etc.)
- Technical-legal assistance for problematic procedures (mergers and company demergers, etc.)
- Preparation of appraisals and economic valuations and legal-administrative memos