Since 1971

Leardi rises in 1971 following the transformation into a company of the homonymous Technical Studio, already active since 1952, belonging to the founder Geometra Alessio Leardi.

A competitive and reliable organisation

Leardi rises in 1971 following the transformation into a company of the homonymous Technical Studio, already active since 1952, belonging to the founder Geometra Alessio Leardi.

Its history has led the company to be a competitive and reliable structure in the field of services engineering applied to “on-shore” pipelines, able to operate throughout the national territory to support the major transport and distribution companies in the sector “Oil & Gas.”

Over the years the company has stood out for its capacity of adaptation to new market scenarios, being able to provide to customers technical and organizational resources and offering them an increasingly extensive range of technical services.

Operative organisation

The company organization is characterized by one subdivision into Operational Sectors, integrated among them, corresponding to the main types of activities carried out (Design, Works Management, Safety, etc.).

The staff is made up of specialized personnel with decennial experience assisted by a new generation of technicians conveniently trained and contextualized in the company organization chart: the whole structure periodically undergoes training courses both technical and normative. In the case of activities with particular specialization (acoustics, laboratory analysis of excavated earth and rocks, geognostic surveys, etc.) Leardi praises a team of proven experience to provide an integrated and complete engineering support.

The functions of Management and of the Technical Staff are supported and integrated into the Quality-Environment-Safety Management System, ensuring, in this way, an optimization and standardization of all business processes.


Leardi has always shown a particular attention to the technological aspect for the development of its own activity, through a continuous upgrade of technical equipment (hardware, software, measuring instruments, etc.).

This approach has characterized the company’s history, already since the seventies, through the purchase of the first electro-optical topographic instruments to move in the eighties to the first CAD systems and later on, in the nineties, to the use of the new GPS systems. The IT component has also suffered a similar transformation, through a continuous upgrade and improvement of both hardware and software tools.